Monday, June 29, 2015

Ready. Set. Write! 2015 {Update 3}

Here we gooooo:

1. How I did on last week's goals:

Get up at 5:30 every weekday to work for a couple hours before the peanut wakes up. 
Um, nope. Elodie tried AGAIN to get me up. But, again, I sucked. Here's a sample of what our text messages looked like all week:

Elodie's fucking awesome. I'm the worst texter-backer in the history of the world. (Also hop hop hop is a thing my daughter says/does.)

Continue researching for--and add 1k to--RS. 
Not a single word in the WIP this week--but I am cutting myself slack because I added 4-5k in my final revision, which took up all of my spare time.

Marketing setup for Truth & Temptation.
Yes! Made lots of headway here. Set up a few things, like my preorder giveaway, and started a numbered outline of what I have left to do. OH, and I revealed the cover! Isn't she pretty??

Revise Truth & Temptation and send it to my final round of betas.
DONE. And I have notes back from all but one. I'll finish the final revision this week and then it's off to copy edits! (Side note: my betas are the fucking best ever. I'd seriously be lost without them.)

Take my daughter someplace fun!
We went to a toy store we'd never been to before--and it was awesome! Plus, more fun in the backyard with water-type toys :) Then my niece spent the night on Saturday night, so they had a ton of fun playing together!

2. My goals for this week:
A. Get up at 5:30 M-W to work for a couple hours before the peanut wakes up.
B. Continue researching for--and add 1k to--RS.
C. Send Truth & Temptation to my copy editor.
D. Take my daughter someplace fun!
E. GET A TAN. (We've got a shit ton of fun things coming up, including a beach trip! Unfortunately it's to the Outer Banks where there've been, like, SIX shark attacks in the last two weeks. So much for tossing my daughter in the waves.)
F. Keep up with my shakeology goals & working out.
G. Beta read if needed.

3. A favorite line from my story: This is from a new scene added to Truth & Temptation. My heroine's about to face the disapproval of her company's CEOwho also happens to be the father of the guy she's falling in love with.

I start to slide a finger beneath the high neck of my dressbecause it's suddenly itching, and I need a bit more room to breathebut I stop myself because, no. Fuck that. It's rare that I'm grateful for how much practice I have being a bitch, but in this moment, I've never been happier to have the spine I created.

4. Biggest challenge I faced this week:

I had a lot of revision to do. A lot. So my sole focus was on Truth & Temptation instead of my romantic suspense. I miss the RSand the next two weeks are going to make it hard to focus on it as well. Sigh.

5. Something I love about my WIP
I can't remember, it's been so long since I've looked at it, ha. But at least I love Truth & Temptation more than ever after these rounds of revision. The story was a hard one for me to write, because my heroine's head is not an easy one to be in, but I think I've done her justiceand the notes I've received from betas have been so, so helpful to push it as far as possible.

Ready. Set. Write! is a summer writing intensive that encourages goal-setting and accountability, and provides an opportunity for us to cheer each other on wherever we’re at with our writing projects—planning, drafting, revising, or polishing. ~RSW hosts,
 Katy UppermanAlison MillerJaime MorrowErin Funk, & Elodie Nowodazki


Elodie said...

Hahahaha I'm cracking up reading those text messages. I always wonder if you're going to end up telling me "STOPPPPPPP!" lol
And yuck, I know shark attacks are not likely. I know that. It's a fact. However, I can't help thinking about it when I'm in the Ocean.
But YAY for Outerbanks! And Yay for concerts! And yay for TRUTH & TEMPTATION :) And Yay for tomorrow! <3

Rebecca Barrow said...

I love how Elodie doesn't give up, haha! I'm so not a morning person -- getting up that early to work is impossible for me. So you get major snaps from me for doing it (or, planning to do it ;))

Hope you get tongs done this week and have fun with your little one, too!

Jaime Morrow said...

I don't think I could get up that early expressly to write. My brain just wouldn't be capable of creating. So adding 4-5K in your final revisions is pretty darn great productivity for the week. It may not have been on the story you originally intended, but it's still awesome! Hope this is a great week all around. :D (And boo to sharks. Not cool.)

Alison Miller said...

You have totally done T justice and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your cover!!! I can't wait for the release!

Also, you are a good person to even try to get up at 5:30. My dogs TRY and sometimes succeed at getting me up at 6, but hoo boy. Any earlier makes my brain tired. :)

Good luck this week, Sara! And have so much fun in the Outer Banks! When and where are you going? Also, I am scared to take my kids anywhere near the ocean these days. I just go to hang out the beach, but I have only been once because of all the reports. UGH. I'm sure you guys will still have fun though.

AvidReads said...

Waking up at 5:30 is not an easy task. My wake up time Monday-Friday is 4:15 and I'm always hitting that snooze button. Great job on those goals! Love the cover by the way.

ELAdams said...

I had to laugh at those messages. That'd be my reaction if someone tried to get me up at that time, too. :P Good luck this week! :)

Eve said...

Well at least you just miss the messages at first and don't respond back with sleepy angry messages :) I have been known to be not so pleasant when the phone continually rings again and again when I'm on nights and they are calling during the day because they 'forgot' my schedule. Thankfully friends forgive lol.

Melanie Stanford said...

I could never get up that early to write. I could never get up that early to do anything, actually. 7am is my earliest. Luckily, I can stick to that during the school year and in the summer my kids are old enough to let me sleep in now. Yay!
Love the cover and have a great week!

katyupperman said...

That text exchange between you and Elodie cracked me up. She is awesome. And persistent. :-) You did awesome with your revision, and yeah, that cover is gorgeous. Hope you're having all kinds of fun traveling. See you soon!